What are the different types of coin collectors?

Generally there are 3 different types of coin collectors.  First, there are those that are simlpy accumulating the interesting coins that they see when looking at their change in their pocket.  In the early to mid 60's, people were "hoarding" silver coins.  Their was a lack of trust in the government and people werre not putting their sliver back into cirulation.  We see many collection from people who inherited coins, that fall into this category.  We also see tht people would collect a certain type of coin, such as wheat pennies.  Wheat pennies come into our shop by the thousands.  The second type of of collector, is the "Casual" collector.  This is aware of the metal content of the coins, as well as  general knowlege of the dates and mint marks of the rare and semi rare coins that they posess.  Last, is the "Serious" collector or the "Numistmatist".  This person has extensive knowlege not only in dates and mint marks of the coins they have, but also the condition of a particular coin. Most casual collectors rely on the internet to give them a value of their coins, whereas a serious collector will have many other resourses and is most likely attending coins show and subscribing to numerous pubications to continually keep him or her up to speed on the value and rareity of their collection.... 
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